Ledger Node API

I) Overview

The API for the SParts ledger is presented here. The ledger API calls are defined in part I of this document. The record types (objects) past between the ledger and client application are defined in part II of this document. Types include supplier, part, category as so forth.

II) Ledger API Calls

Ping Request

Send request to see if the ledger is currently available.

GET /ledger/api/v1/ping

Example of a successful response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "EmptyRecord",
    result:     {}

Since there is no data to return the record type EmptyRecord is specified in the results field. EmptyRecord is defined in part II of this document. If the ledger is not available then no response will be received.

Artifact Record

GET /ledger/api/v1/artifacts/{uuid}

(This call use to be: /api/ledger/envelopes/{uuid})

An artifact represents an item of evidence. Typically an artifact is a single document (e.g., notice file, source code archive, bill of materials). An envelope is a special instance of an artifact which represents a collection of artifacts potentially including other envelopes. For single artifacts the artifact_list field will be empty. For an envelope it will contain a list of zero of more artifacts and the content_type field will be set to “envelope”. The uri_list field is a list because copies of the artifact could exist in multiple locations.

Response form:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "ArtifactRecord",
    result:     {
        name: "...",
        uuid: "...",
        filename: "...",
        checksum: "...",
        content_type: "...",  // envelope, notice, source, spdx, doc, other
        alias: "...",
        label: "...",
        openchain: "...",
        timestamp: "..."
        artifact_list: [...]   /* used for envelopes but not for singular artifact */
        uri_list: [ {
                    version: "...",
                              alias: "...",
                              checksum: "...",
                              size: "..."
                              content_type: "...",  // http, ipfs, ...
                              location: "https://...."

Example of a single artifact response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "ArtifactRecord",
    result: {
        name: "Zephyr 1.12 Notice File",
        uuid: "26559ed4-6868-488d-a5a7-3e81714beb00",
        filename: "Zephyr-1.12-Notices.txt",
        checksum: "f855d41c49e80b9d6f2a13148e5eb838607e92f1",
        content_type: "notices",
        alias: "zephyr-notices-1.12",
        label: "Zephyr Notices 1.12",
        openchain: "True",
        timestamp: "2018-06-18 00:30:12.498167"
        artifact_list: []   /* not used for singular artifact */
        uri_list: [ {
            version: "1.0",
               alias: "zephyr-notices-1.12",
               checksum: "Zephyr Notices 1.12",
               size:    "235120"
               content_type: "http",
               location: "https://...."

Example of an envelope response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "ArtifactRecord",
    result: {    name: "Zephyr 1.12 Envelope",
                uuid: "9b602058-c73f-4f02-9237-b71a2760fc15",
                filename: "Zephyr-1.12-envelope.zip",
                checksum: "a1e2486417f4cd7fc670bf5facd5870af9c1e3a5",
                content_type: "envelope",
                alias: "zephyr-notices-1.12",
                label: "Zephyr Notices 1.12",
                openchain: "True",
                timestamp: "2018-06-18 00:30:12.498167"
                artifact_list: [
                            { uuid: "731ef148-5f81-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
                               path: "/spdx"},
                           { uuid: "f2cef148-5f81-11e8-8f51-fa7ae01bb93b",
                             path: "/notices"}
                uri_list: [ {
                                version: "1.0",
                               alias: "zephyr-envelope-1.12",
                               checksum: "f67d3213907a52012a4367d8ad4f093b65abc016",
                               size:    "235120"
                               content_type: "http",
                               location: "https://...."

Note that the envelope record utilizes the artifact_list field where a single artifact does not.

Artifact Add

POST /ledger/api/v1/artifacts

Use the ArtifactRecord (the artifact_list and uri_list fields are not used in this post). The request must be performed by a user with Roles: admin or supplier.

| Field | Type | Description | | ——————– | —— | ———————————————————— | | uuid | string | unique identifier | | name | string | file or envelope name | | alias (was short_id) | string | alias for typing | | label | string | // Display name | | checksum | string | artifact checksum | | openchain | string | true/false If prepared under an OpenChain comforting program | | content_type | string | envelope, notices, spdx, source, … |

An example single artifact request:

   private_key: "5K9ft3F4CDHMdGbeUZSyt77b1TJavfR7CAEgDZ7nXbdno1aynbt",
   public_key: "034408551a7b24b917103ccfafb402195713cd2e5dcdc588e7dc537f07b195bcf9",
   artifact: {  
              uuid: "7709ca8d-01f4-4de2-69ed-16b7ebae704a",
              name: "Zephypr 1.12 SPDX file",
              alias: "zephypr_1.12",
              label: "Zephypr 1.12 SPDX file",
              checksum: "f855d41c49e80b9d6f2a13148e5eb838607e92f1",
              openchain: true,
              content_type: "spdx"

Example curl Request:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d  '{"private_key": "5K92SiHianMJRtqRiMaQ6xwzuYz7xaFRa2C8ruBQT6edSBg87Kq", "public_key" : "02be88bd24003b714a731566e45d24bf68f89ede629ae6f0aa5ce33baddc2a0515", "artifact": {"uuid": "7709ca8d-01f4-4de2-69ed-16b7ebae705c","name": "Zephypr 1.12 SPDX file", "checksum": "f855d41c49e80b9d6f2a13148e5eb838607e92f1", "alias": "zephypr_1.12", "label": "Zephypr 1.12 SPDX file", "openchain": "true", "content_type": "spdx"} }'

Potential Errors:

  • The requesting user does not have the appropriate access credentials to perform the add.
  • One or more of the required fields UUID, checksum are missing.
  • The UUID is not in a valid format.

Artifact URI Add

POST /ledger/api/v1/artifacts/uri

The request must be performed by a user with Roles: Admin or Supplier.

| Field | Type | Description | | ———— | —— | —————————————– | | version | string | name of use | | checksum | string | artifact checksum | | content_type | string | type (e.g., text, binary, archive, other) | | size | int | file size in bytes | | uri_type | string | (e.g., http, ipfs, …) | | location | string | link, path |

An example request:

{  private_key: "5K9ft3F4CDHMdGbeUZSyt77b1TJavfR7CAEgDZ7nXbdno1aynbt",
   public_key: "034408551a7b24b917103ccfafb402195713cd2e5dcdc588e7dc537f07b195bcf9",
   uuid: "bcb083a1-89c7-4bd2-a568-8450350e8195",
   uri:  { version: "1.0",
           checksum: "f67d3213907a52012a4367d8ad4f093b65abc016",
           size:    "235120"
           content_type: ".pdf",
           uri_type: "http",

The uri field is of type URIRecord.

Example curl request:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d  '{"private_key": "5K92SiHianMJRtqRiMaQ6xwzuYz7xaFRa2C8ruBQT6edSBg87Kq", "public_key" : "02be88bd24003b714a731566e45d24bf68f89ede629ae6f0aa5ce33baddc2a0515", 
"uuid": "7709ca8d-01f4-4de2-69ed-16b7ebae705c", "uri": {"version": "1.0", "checksum": "f855d41c49e80b9d6f2a13148e5eb838607e92f1", "size": "235120", "content_type": ".pdf", "uri_type": "http", "location": "https://github.com/zephyrstorage/_content/master/f67d3213907a52012a4367d8abc016" } }'

Artifact Of Envelope Relation

POST /ledger/api/v1/envelope/artifact

The user is identified by the public key. The following input record is: EnvelopeArtifactRecord

{  private_key: "5K9ft3F4CDHMdGbeUZSyt77b1TJavfR7CAEgDZ7nXbdno1aynbt",
   public_key: "034408551a7b24b917103ccfafb402195713cd2e5dcdc588e7dc537f07b195bcf9",
   relation: { 
                artifact_uuid: "f855d41c49e80b9d6f2a13148e5eb838607e92f1",
                envelope_uuid: "dec6b86a-f794-43d6-64bc-ca4146548048"

Example curl request

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d  '{"private_key": "5K9ft3F4CDHMdGbeUZSyt77b1TJavfR7CAEgDZ7nXbdno1aynbt", "public_key" : "034408551a7b24b917103ccfafb402195713cd2e5dcdc588e7dc537f07b195bcf9", "relation": {"artifact_uuid": "f855d41c49e80b9d6f2a13148e5eb838607e92f1", "envelope_uuid": "dec6b86a-f794-43d6-64bc-ca4146548048"} }' http://localhost:3075/ledger/api/v1/envelope/artifact

To do:

  • Ledger check for envelope to be an envelope or send back error
  • Need to use uuid for user. - are public keys unique??

POST /ledger/api/v1/relation/part_artifact POST /ledger/api/v1/relation/category_part

Artifact of Part Relation

POST /ledger/api/v1/artifacts/part


Example request:

{  private_key: "5K9ft3F4CDHMdGbeUZSyt77b1TJavfR7CAEgDZ7nXbdno1aynbt",
   public_key: "034408551a7b24b917103ccfafb402195713cd2e5dcdc588e7dc537f07b195bcf9",
   relation: { 
                part_uuid: "cb00a696-14d0-447a-6096-69be4c5d93a5",
                artifact_uuid: "2745a756-eed8-4093-683f-a1f6b56f7249"

Example curl request:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d  '{"private_key": "5K9ft3F4CDHMdGbeUZSyt77b1TJavfR7CAEgDZ7nXbdno1aynbt", "public_key" : "034408551a7b24b917103ccfafb402195713cd2e5dcdc588e7dc537f07b195bcf9", "relation": {"part_uuid": "f855d41c49e80b9d6f2a13148e5eb838607e92f1", "artifact_uuid": "dec6b86a-f794-43d6-64bc-ca4146548048"} }' http://localhost:3075/ledger/api/v1/artifacts/part


A organization can represent a company, foundation, project or individual. The record fields include:

  • uuid [string] - universal unique identifier
  • name [string] - Name of customer
  • alias [string] - short identifier 1-15 alphanumeric characters
  • type [string] - optional - include multiple simple (1-3) word type descriptions each separated by ‘;’ to describe the organization’s type. For example, “supplier; ledger host”
  • description [string] - (optional) - brief 1-3 sentence description
  • url [string] - (optional) - Organization’s web homepage url (if one exists)

Organization Record

Retrieve the record of an organization:

GET /ledger/api/v1/orgs/{uuid}

General Response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "OrganizationRecord",
    result:     {   name: "...",
                    uuid: "...",
                    alias: "...",
                    type: "..."
                    description: "...",
                    url: "..."

Example Response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "ORecord",
    result: {   name: "Tesla, Inc.",
                uuid: "31e3e600-cd79-4ee5-464e-e74e1ce763cc",
                alias: "Tesla",
                type: "supplier",
                description: "Company specializing in electric vehicles and 
                              lithium-ion battery energy storage.",
                url: "http://www.tesla.com"

If an organization record is not found the following error response will be received:

{   status:     "failed",
    message:    "Organization record not found",
    result_type: "EmptyRecord",
    result:     {}

Organization List

Obtain a list of organizations.

GET /ledger/api/v1/orgs

Example Response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "ListOf:OrganizationRecord",
    result: [ { name: "Tesla, Inc.",
                uuid: "31e3e600-cd79-4ee5-464e-e74e1ce763cc",
                alias: "Tesla",
                type: "customer",
                description: "Company specializing in electric vehicles and 
                              lithium-ion battery energy storage."
                url: "http://www.tesla.com"
            {   name: "General Motors Corporation",
                uuid: ""2584a6ce-16a7-44c0-7e53-21969d1e026b",
                alias: "GM",
                type: "customer"
                description: "United States automotive manufacturer."
                url: "http://www.gm.com"
            {   name: "Wind River Systems",
                uuid: ""3568f20a-8faa-430e-7c65-e9fce9aa155d",
                alias: "WindRiver",
                type: "supplier"
                description: "United States automotive manufacturer."
                url: "http://www.windriver.com"

If there are no organizations registered then the empty list will be returned:

Empty List Response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "ListOf:OrganizationRecord",
    result: [ ]

Organization Add

POST /ledger/api/v1/orgs

Add a organization entity to the ledger (e.g., supplier, customer, ledger host). The request must be performed by a user with Role:Admin access. The POST parameters are:

  • uuid [string] - universal unique identifier
  • name [string] - Name of customer
  • alias [string] - short identifier 1-15 alphanumeric characters (evaluated as case insensitive)
  • type [string] - optional - include multiple simple (1-3) word type descriptions each separated by ‘;’ to describe the organization’s type. For example, “supplier; ledger host”
  • description [string] - (optional) - brief 1-3 sentence description
  • url [string] - (optional) - Organization’s web homepage url (if one exists)

Example Request:

    uuid: "31e3e600-cd79-4ee5-464e-e74e1ce763cc",
    name: "Tesla, Inc.",
    alias: "Tesla",
    description: "Company specializing in electric vehicles and 
                  lithium-ion battery energy storage."
    url: "http://www.windriver.com"

Example curl command:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d  '{"name": "Wind River", "uuid": "3568f20a-8faa-430e-7c65-e9fce9aa155d", "alias": "WindRiver", "url": "http://www.windriver.com"}' http://localhost:818/ledger/api/v1/orgs


Supplier Record

GET /ledger/api/v1/suppliers/{uuid}


{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "SupplierRecord",
    result:     {    name: "...",
                    uuid: "...",
                    alias: "...",
                    url: "...",
                    parts: [...]

Example Response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "SupplierRecord",
    result: {   name: "Wind River Systems",
                uuid: "dde3e600-cd79-4ee5-464e-e74e1ce764bb",
                alias: "WindRiver",
                parts: [
                    { part_id: "731ef148-5f81-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc" },
                    { part_id: "f2cef148-5f81-11e8-8f51-fa7ae01bb93b" },
                    { part_id: "ee3b9d57-4c98-4d6f-5ecb-a54c97a7cda2" }
                url: "http://www.windriver.com"

See section II for the json definition of OrganizationRecord. If an organization is not found the following error response will be received:

{   status:     "failed",
    message:    "Organization record not found",
    result_type: "EmptyRecord",
    result:     {}

Supplier List

Obtain a list of suppliers.

GET /ledger/api/v1/suppliers

Example Response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "ListOf:SupplierRecord",
    result: [ { name: "Wind River Systems",
                uuid: "dde3e600-cd79-4ee5-464e-e74e1ce764bb",
                alias: "WindRiver",
                parts: [
                    { part_uuid: "731ef148-5f81-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc" },
                    { part_uuid: "f2cef148-5f81-11e8-8f51-fa7ae01bb93b" },
                    { part_uuid: "ee3b9d57-4c98-4d6f-5ecb-a54c97a7cda2" }
                url: "http://www.windriver.com"
            {   name: "Intel Corporation",
                uuid: ""2584a6ce-16a7-44c0-7e53-21969d1e026b",
                alias: "Intel",
                parts: [
                    { part_uuid: "6584a6ce-16a7-44c0-7e53-21969d1e026b" },
                url: "http://www.intel.com"

See section II for the json definition of SupplierRecord. If there are not organizations registered then the empty list will be received:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "ListOf.SupplierRecord",
    result: [ ]

Supplier Add

POST /ledger/api/v1/suppliers

Add a supplier entity to the ledger. The request must be performed by a user with Role:Admin access. The POST parameters are:

  • uuid [string] - universal unique identifier
  • name [string] - Name of customer
  • alias [string] - short identifier 1-15 alphanumeric characters
  • description [string] - (optional) - brief 1-3 sentence description
  • url [string] - (optional) - web home url

| Name | Type | Description | | —– | ——- | —————————————————– | | uuid | string | universal unique identifier | | name | string | name of organization | | alias | strings | quick identifier 1-15 alphanumeric characters website | | url | string | website url |

Example Request:

    uuid: "dde3e600-cd79-4ee5-464e-e74e1ce764bb",
    name: "WindRiver",
    alias: "supplier-76bb1",
    url: "http://www.windriver.com"

Example curl command:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d  '{"name": "Wind River", "uuid": "3568f20a-8faa-430e-7c65-e9fce9aa155d", "alias": "wr", "url": "http://www.windriver.com"}' http://localhost:3075/ledger/api/v1/orgs

Register User

POST /ledger/api/v1/registeruser

Use the UserRegisterRecord. The request must be performed by a user with Roles: admin or supplier.

| Field | Type | Description | | ———– | ———- | ——————— | | private_key | string | unique identifier | | public_key | string | file or envelope name | | user | UserRecord | alias for typing |

With UserRecord:

| Field | Type | Description | | ————- | —— | ——————————— | | user_name | string | user name | | email_address | string | user email | | role | string | the role (e.g., “member”) | | authorized | string | the authorization (e.g., “allow”) | | public_key | string | the user’s pu |

An example single artifact request:

   private_key: "5K9ft3F4CDHMdGbeUZSyt77b1TJavfR7CAEgDZ7nXbdno1aynbt",
   public_key: "034408551a7b24b917103ccfafb402195713cd2e5dcdc588e7dc537f07b195bcf9",
   user: {  
            user_name: "7709ca8d-01f4-4de2-69ed-16b7ebae704a",
            email_address: "John.Doe@intel.com",
            role: "member",
            authorized: "allow",

Example curl Request:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d  '{"private_key": "5K92SiHianMJRtqRiMaQ6xwzuYz7xaFRa2C8ruBQT6edSBg87Kq", "public_key" : "02be88bd24003b714a731566e45d24bf68f89ede629ae6f0aa5ce33baddc2a0515", "artifact": {"uuid": "7709ca8d-01f4-4de2-69ed-16b7ebae705c","name": "Zephypr 1.12 SPDX file", "checksum": "f855d41c49e80b9d6f2a13148e5eb838607e92f1", "alias": "zephypr_1.12", "label": "Zephypr 1.12 SPDX file", "openchain": "true", "content_type": "spdx"} }'

Potential Errors:

  • The requesting user does not have the appropriate access credentials to perform the add.
  • One or more of the required fields UUID, checksum are missing.
  • The UUID is not in a valid format.

Part Get

To obtain a part record use:

GET /ledger/api/v1/parts/{uuid}

Response Record

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "PartRecord",
    result: {    uuid: "...",
                name: "...",
                version: "...",
                label: "..."
                alias: "..."
                checksum: "...",
                label: "...",
                licensing: "..."
                description: "..."
                artifacts: [...]
                suppliers: [...]
                categories: [...]

Example response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "PartRecord",
    result: {    uuid: "f1eae70d-86ba-4440-583a-28127e447f83",
                name: "Zephyr Runtime 1.10",
                version: "1.10",
                label: "zephyr 1.10"
                alias: "z1
                description: "Zephyr runtime for the ACX 11 board support bpackage"
                licensing: "Apache-2.0",
                checksum: "d9be5fcf820e88b217a760f7869959af49898dbe",
                suppliers: [
                              { supplier_id: "3568f20a-8faa-430e-7c65-e9fce9aa155d" }
                artifacts: [ ],
                categories: [ ],

Error Messages include:

  • Part uuid not found

Part List

GET /ledger/api/v1/parts

Returns a list of PartRecords. Example response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "ListOf.PartRecord",
    result: []

Part Add

POST /ledger/api/v1/parts


{  private_key: "5K9ft3F4CDHMdGbeUZSyt77b1TJavfR7CAEgDZ7nXbdno1aynbt",
   public_key: "034408551a7b24b917103ccfafb402195713cd2e5dcdc588e7dc537f07b195bcf9",
   part: { 
            uuid: "731ef148-5f81-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
            name: "Zephyr Runtime 1.10",
            label: "Zephyr 1.10"
            alias: "zephyr_1.10"
            version: "1.10",
            checksum: "1e673213907a52012a4367d8ad4f093b65abc222",
            label: "Test Part 1.0",
            licensing: "MIT"
            description: "Zephyr is a small real-time operating supporting multiple architectures"

Example curl request:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d  '{"private_key": "5K9ft3F4CDHMdGbeUZSyt77b1TJavfR7CAEgDZ7nXbdno1aynbt", "public_key" : "034408551a7b24b917103ccfafb402195713cd2e5dcdc588e7dc537f07b195bcf9", "part": {"uuid": "731ef148-5f81-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc","name": "Zephypr 1.12 SPDX file", "version": "1.12", "checksum": "f855d41c49e80b9d6f2a13148e5eb838607e92f1", "alias": "zephypr_1.10", "label": "Zephyr 1.10", "licensing": "MIT", "description": "Zephyr is a small real-time operating supporting multiple architectures" } }' http://localhost:3075/ledger/api/v1/parts

Part Of Supplier Relation

POST /ledger/api/v1/parts/supplier


Example request:

{  private_key: "5K9ft3F4CDHMdGbeUZSyt77b1TJavfR7CAEgDZ7nXbdno1aynbt",
   public_key: "034408551a7b24b917103ccfafb402195713cd2e5dcdc588e7dc537f07b195bcf9",
   relation: { 
                supplier_uuid: "cb00a696-14d0-447a-6096-69be4c5d93a5",
                part_uuid: "2745a756-eed8-4093-683f-a1f6b56f7249"

Example curl request:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d  '{"private_key": "5K9ft3F4CDHMdGbeUZSyt77b1TJavfR7CAEgDZ7nXbdno1aynbt", "public_key" : "034408551a7b24b917103ccfafb402195713cd2e5dcdc588e7dc537f07b195bcf9", "relation": {"part_uuid": "f855d41c49e80b9d6f2a13148e5eb838607e92f1", "supplier_uuid": "dec6b86a-f794-43d6-64bc-ca4146548048"} }' http://localhost:3075/ledger/api/v1/parts/supplier

Get Public/Private Key Pair

GET /ledger/api/v1/keys

Example Response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "PrivatePublicKeyRecord",
    result: {
              private_key: "5K6Q2kMHaMUrRjvSb4EPXQEJi1nAy3uXAYhqYvq2qNiLEGuFuVS",
              public_key: "0315d60b8dd9a90c55f2f7643270bc46d20798c1e5a38a30c9cb839882398d537f"

User Add

POST /ledger/api/v1/users

Here is an example of how to register a new user.

The request must be performed by a user with Role:Admin.

| Name | Type | Description | | ———- | —— | ————————————- | | name | string | name of user | | email | string | The email address of user | | role | string | specific role value [admin, supplier] | | authorized | string | specific access value [allow, deny] | | public_key | string | public key value |

Example Request:

{   name:   "John Doe",
    email:  "john.doe@windriver.com",
    role: "admin",
    authorized: "allow",
    public_key: "0315d60b8dd9a90c55f2f7643270bc46d20798c1e5a38a30c9cb839882398d537f"

Example response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "EmptyRecord",
    result: {}

Example curl request:

 curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d  '{"name": "John Doe", "email": "john.doe@windriver.com", "role": "admin", "authorized": "allow", "public_key": "0315d60b8dd9a90c55f2f7643270bc46d20798c1e5a38a30c9cb839882398d537f"}' http://localhost:3075/ledger/api/v1/users

User Get

GET /ledger/api/v1/users/{public_key}
{   name:   "Sameer Ahmed",
    email:  "sameer.ahmed@windriver.com",
    organization: "Wind River"
    public_key: "0315d60b8dd9a90c55f2f7643270bc46d20798c1e5a38a30c9cb839882398d537f"

GET Category

GET /ledger/api/v1/categories/{uuid}

Example Response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "CategoryRecord",
    result: {   
        name: "OS",
        description: "Operating System",
        uuid: "43903f02-00fd-43a3-bdaa-befe4a2fcd7e"

An example error response where the category uuid does not exist:

{   status:     "failed",
    message:    "Category record not found",
    result_type: "EmptyRecord",
    result:     {}

List Categories

Obtain a list of the categories.

GET /ledger/api/v1/categories

Example Response:

{   status:     "success",
    message:    "OK",
    result_type: "ListOf.CategoryRecord",
    result: [ { name: "operating system",
                description: "Operating System",
                uuid: "43903f02-00fd-43a3-bdaa-befe4a2fcd7e"
             {  name: "libraries",
                description: "Operating System",
                uuid: "12d7f0c2-00fd-43a3-bdaa-befe4a2fcd7e"

III) API Types


    UUID         string         `json:"uuid"`
    Name         string         `json:"name"`     
    Alias        string         `json:"short_id,omitempty"` 
    Label        string         `json:"label,omitempty"`  // Display name
    Checksum     string         `json:"checksum"`             
    OpenChain    string         `json:"openchain,omitempty"`  
    ContentType  string         `json:"content_type,omitempty"`  
    Timestamp    string         `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`     
    ArtifactList ListOf.ArtifactItem `json:"artifact_list,omitempty"` 
    URIList      ListOf.URIRecord    `json:"uri_list, omitempty"`     


    UUID string `json:"uuid"` // Artifact Universal Unique IDentifier
    Path string `json:"path"` // Path of artifact within the envelope


{ }



    PartUUID string `json:"part_uuid"` // Part uuid


    Name        string `json:"name"`                  // Fullname
    Version     string `json:"version,omitempty"`     // Version if exists.
    Alias       string `json:"label,omitempty"`       // 1-15 alphanumeric characters
    Licensing   string `json:"licensing,omitempty"`   // License expression
    Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Part description (1-3 sentences)
    Checksum    string `json:"checksum,omitempty"`    // License expression
    UUID        string `json:"uuid"`                  // UUID provide w/previous registration
    URIList     []URIRecord `json:"uri_list,omitempty"`     //


    PrivateKey string `json:"private_key"` // Private key
    PublicKey  string `json:"public_key"`  // Pubkic key


    Name       string `json:"user_name"`
    Email      string `json:"email_address"`
    Role       string `json:"role"`
    Authorized string `json:"authorized"`
    PublicKey  string `json:"user_public_key"`


    User       UserRecord `json:"user"`
    PrivateKey string     `json:"private_key"`
    PublicKey  string     `json:"public_key"`


    UUID    string `json:"uuid"`               // universal unique identifier
    Name    string `json:"name"`               // Fullname
    Alias   string `json:"alias"`    // 1-15 alphanumeric characters
    Url     string `json:"url"`      // 2-3 sentence description
    Parts   ListOf:PartItemRecord


    Version     string `json:"version"`
    Checksum    string `json:"checksum"`
    ContentType string `json:"content_type"`   // text, envelope, binary, archive
    Size        string `json:"size,omitempty"` // size in bytes
    URIType     string `json:"uri_type"`       // e.g., http, ipfs
    Location    string `json:"location"`       // actual link